We need nominations for the following positions. We will be voting on these positions at the Victory Secuela after the fall weekends. If God has laid someone on your heart to fill any of these positions please fill out this form and submit. Thank you!
Secretariat Nominations Form
The Secretariat of River Valley Tres Dias is elected from the membership of the community to administer and manage the affairs of the community. The positions of the Secretariat consist of the following:
President –
One person position (single or married) who has previously served in a Secretariat position. The President must also demonstrate leadership & organizational skills. The President votes only in the case where a tie breaker vote is necessary.
Vice President –
One person position (single or married) who demonstrates leadership & organizational skills.
Treasurer –
One person position (single or married).
Secretary –
One person position (single or married).
Men’s Leader –
One person position (single or married) who has previously served as a Rector.
Women’s Leader –
One person position (single or married) who has previously served as a Rector.
Pre-Weekend –
Married couples only.
Weekend Coordinator –
One or two person position (one individual or a married couple).
Newsletter/Communications –
One person position (single or married).
Palanca –
One or two person position (one individual or married couple).
Fourth Day –
One or two person (one individual or married couple).
Spiritual Director Team (3) –
One person positions (single or Married) preferably qualified to be Head Spiritual Director for a weekend. Non-voting position.
Data Management –
One person position (single or married).
Reunion Groups –
One person position (single or married).
At Large Members Three (3) –
One person positions (single or married).